This document outlines the legal foundations and principles underlying the possession and transfer of incorporeal hereditament titles, particularly focusing on the Lord of the Manor of The Dungeon. It highlights the distinction between de facto and legal possession, emphasizing the legal right to quiet and peaceful enjoyment of incorporeal chattels associated with the title. On 11th March 2024, Manorial Title Register Limited assigned the rights to the incorporeal hereditament title of Lord of the Manor of The Dungeon to James Patrick Howard II for £175, confirming the lawful transfer of rights under English law and the protections afforded by the Law of Property Act 1925.

Deed of Creation of a Possessory Title

Deed of Creation Incorporeal Rights Legal Document Lordship

The Deed of Creation of a Possessory Title, executed on the 11th of March, 2024, signifies a crucial development in the legal and historical narrative of the Manor of The Dungeon. This document formalizes the assignment of the incorporeal hereditament title of Lord of the Manor of The Dungeon to James Patrick Howard II, underlining the legal nuance between de facto possession and the broader, legally recognized right to possess. By delineating the rights of Jus in re propria and Jura in re aliena, it ensures Howard II’s undisturbed enjoyment and ownership of the title, adhering to the principles established by the Law of Property Act 1925.

This deed reflects the meticulous process undertaken by Manorial Title Register Limited to establish the legal standing of Howard II as the rightful Lord of the Manor. It not only consolidates his legal ownership and rights associated with the title but also reinforces the commitment to uphold the integrity and legacy of manorial titles within the framework of contemporary English law. With this deed, Howard II’s title is irrevocably recognized, marking a significant milestone in the stewardship of the Manor of The Dungeon.